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Meghan Clark Has a Bright Future in Country Music

At just the start of her career, the talented Meghan Clark has already proven she is a force to be reckoned with. Clark’s music has been a huge success since the moment it started getting airplay on the BlackSheep Network. Clark’s songs “Something about Ya” and “Love Sounds” (featuring Beau Fuller) have had success on The Top 30 Countdown.

Clark who has been inspired by the likes of Adel, Demi Lovato, and Ed Sheeran has always been a fan of music. At the age of 10 Clark began singing at coffee houses and at the age of 14 Fuller got in contact with Clark and her country music career was born. Fuller produced Clark’s EP. According to Clark the experience of working with Fuller was great.

“It was a really good experience because Beau is a really great guy and producer. I don't usually do my own original country songs. It’s more like pop alternative and soul. So it was cool to explore a different genre of music,” said Clark.

Clark has been one of the most successful artists on The BlackSheep Network Top 30 Countdown. With “Something About Ya” Clark became the first female artist to take the the number one spot for three weeks straight. “Love Sounds” has been successful as well finishing in the top five all three weeks the song has been on the poll. For Clark the success of her songs has been surreal.

“if I’m being honest it’s been really surreal being number one three weeks in a row, and then being in the top five for “Love Sounds.” It’s pretty surreal to me because I am pretty low key about my music and everything, more low key then I should be. So when stuff like this happens it doesn't even feel like it’s me. I cant process it,” said Clark.

According to Clark “Love Sounds” is her favorite of all of her original music. Clark calls “Love Sounds” her favorite song because of the hard work that both she and Fuller put into the song.

“Definitely ‘Love Sounds,’ because when Beau [Fuller] and I wrote the song we really had a hard time. The song originally wasn't supposed to be a slow to fast song, and it wasn't supposed to be a duet. It was just supposed to be me and the piano, and it was supposed to be really slow. Then we were stumped on it and finally a month or two later I said we need to make this a duet and add some drums. And it finally came together,” said Clark.

While performing her songs and covers on stage, Clark enjoys being able to connect with those who are in attendance. It is Clark’s hope that while she is on a stage that she is able to touch someone in the crowd with whichever song she is singing.

“My favorite part about performing is probably expressing myself through the music and touching people with my music. I really like when people connect to music and the word to the music even if its not my song. I really like that a lot,” said Clark.

Much like being on stage, Clark hope she is able to touch people all over the world with her music. According to Clark, a career in music is not about the fame. It is about the ability to help people with her music.

“I hope I touch people with my music and help someone in some way, help. I don’t really want to be famous, that’s not really the goal for me…. But it’s kind of being well known through my music and the message. Hoping that it connects with someone and helps them in some way,” said Clark.

Clark has a bright future in country music. To keep up with the talented Clark fans can follow her at @MeghanClarkMusi like her on Facebook and go to her Reverberation page.

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