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Brian Newman is Taking Tradition Forward

Brian Newman is playing his way into the hearts of Jazz fans everywhere with his trumpet playing abilities and vocals. Whether it is on stage in NYC, performing in his Las Vegas show Brian Newman After Dark, or on stage with Lady Gaga, the talented artist is ready to entertain.

Newman started in music at the age of 10. He first started in concert band and from there the talented artist began taking Jazz classes. It was a combination of those Jazz classes and the support of his parents that helped Newman become the entertainer that he is today.

“How did I get started in music? I got started when I was 10 years old playing trumpet in concert band. I did that for a couple of years and then I started improvising in the band. I started getting in trouble for playing over the band. And then my teacher signed me up for some Jazz classes and I started taking those,” said Newman.

“That really lit a fuse under me. And from that moment I wanted to be a Jazz musician and live in NYC. I spent the rest of my high school and middle school career making that happen. By practicing, being in all-star bands and listening to music. Just diving in. Thankfully, I had really supportive parents. They really supported me and let me do things I needed to do to succeed,” continued Newman.

Newman will be joining Lady Gaga on stage in October when she begins her residency in Las Vegas at the Park Theater at the MGM Park from October 14th -October 31st. In addition to playing three days a week with Lady Gaga. Brian Newman will be playing four shows of his own a week. The show will feature special guests, Burlesque dancers, show girls. Brian Newman After Dark first started over 10 years ago and Newman has worked hard to get it to where it is today.

“After Dark was the first show that Gaga came to. I was doing Brian Newman After Dark at Duane Park down in Tribeca. This is probably 2010 or 2009 or something like that and she came and sat in,” said Newman.

“It’s just something we have been doing, me and my wife Angie. We’ve been doing burlesque and old school New York style, like a vaudeville kind of vibe for years. Now After Dark is in Las Vegas and we can do it on a much larger scale. We have lights, we have sound, we have show girls, we have all sorts of special guests. That’s a really great thing. I’m so glad we can still do the show. We have been working on it for years and its always different, it always changes,” continued Newman.

Newman first met Lady Gaga when they were both young artists trying to make It in the greatest city in the world.

“I was a bartender, she was a go-go dancer on the lower east side, and we worked together and hung out together, and became friends. We were always doing music separately and one night she came and saw us,” said Newman.

“We had gone and saw her a lot and she sat in that night and that was it. We started a very beautiful friendship; a musical friendship and partnership and we’ve been doing it ever since. It’s really been great. I am so glad to know her. She’s an amazing person and musician,” said Newman.

One of the most important things to Newman is being able to be up on stage and entertain.

“I just love being an entertainer. First and foremost, to me is being entertaining and to bring people into the show. That’s what I always try to do, whether we have the big [show] or we have the 10-piece band or just the trio. It’s all about bringing people into the music and making that happen. So, we’re so excited to be able to do something that is so old school. We’re not reinventing the wheel, but we are doing something fun, creating and taking tradition forward,” said Newman.

Newman’s nest show will be at The Queen Theatre in Wilmington DE. To find out where Newman will play next visit his website at


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