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Texas Crossing Is One Dynamic Duo

Tiffany Valentine and Colt Buckelew who make up the dynamic duo Texas Crossing are among the most popular artists played on the BlackSheep Network. Almost every show aired on the network includes one of their songs.

One of the most popular features of the BlackSheep Network is the live chatroom. The chatroom allows listeners, staff members, and artists to interact with each other Valentine who frequents the chats enjoys the personable experience that the chatroom offers.

“[We lover the live chat because we love] to be able to see how people react to a song. They get to ask you questions and it makes them happy. It makes it more personable for them,” said Valentine.

Texas Crossing is not only popular on the radio, they have become popular on stage as well. Valentine and Buckelew are full-time musicians and are constantly playing shows. The Duo has a list of over 100 songs that they perform on stage, including Bob Seger, Creedence Clearwater, among others. For Texas Crossing all aspects of being on stage are great.

“[We love] all of it, to meet the people, to see that you’ve touched their hearts with the music. We love country [music] for a reason. There’s heart and soul in it. Having them sing your words, I mean knowing all the words. They're singing your songs thats another amazing part of it,” said Valentine.

There are quite a few songs that both Valentine and Buckelew enjoy covering during a live show. Among their favorites are songs like “Girl Crush” by Little Big Town, and “Empty Glass” by Gary Stewart.

“We have a couple that we perform that are our favorites, well my favorites. The last song we always do is ‘Empty Glass’ and how we do it is we sing the whole song word for word together. I just absolutely love performing it. I like the ‘Girl Crush’ song, the people how they respond after I'm done they go absolutely nuts,” said Valentine

“So performing that one and ‘Traveling Soldier’… Colt gets an awesome response on ‘Midnight Special’ and ‘He Stopped Loving Her Today’ We just got a lot of songs that we do that we love,” continued Valentine.

Recently both Buckelew and Valentine were interviewed live on the air with Rick Landstrom and LeAnne on The BlackSheep Network. This was not the first interview the pair has had with the network. According to Valentine one of the reasons they love being interviewed by The BlackSheep Network is the ability to be themselves.

“[We love coming on The BlackSheep Network] because we absolutely love The BlackSheep Network.We love being able to be who we are and not have a filter put on us. And you all are so good to us,” said Valentine.

To follow along on the musical journey of Texas Crossing check them out on Facebook. And follow them on Twitter at TexasCrossing1

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