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'Music is a Pretty Big Part of My Life, It’s My Passion' - David Britt

Independent country music artist David Britt can do it all. The talented singer/songwriter has not only written over 800 songs, he has had a successful career in real estate, as well as being a professional tennis player. In the last six year Britt’s career in music has really taken off.

Britt grew up in a musically inclined family, and played the violin and sang in the choir. In 2010 after retiring from tennis and having a successful career in real estate, Britt began to write music.

“…I went to college and played tennis, and [after college I] played professional tennis. Then... I got into the real-estate world and had a real successful career. I taught myself how to play the guitar and started writing and that’s how it all happened," said Britt.

"I didn't start writing music till 2010, it’s been a little over six years now and I've written about 800 songs. It was one of those things that was kind of a bucket list item at first and then it kind of just took off…” continued Britt.

Britt has been extremely productive in his six year career in country music. After signing a record deal Britt released his second album and is set to release his third and fourth albums soon. In addition to the albums Britt has been able to work with some of the biggest stars in country music. Like Country Music Hall of Fame members The Oak Ridge Boys.

“I’ve had some really awesome things just happen to me... The Oak Ridge Boys have been a huge part of my success and I've made some great connections… It’s been a wild ride but fun and I'm still in the real estate business. So I'm doing that and I’ll always do that. Music is a pretty big part of my life, it’s my passion. So I’ll keep doing that forever,” said Britt.

After writing a song called “She Like The Oak Ridge Boys” Britt had the opportunity to connect with the iconic country band on social media. After conversing back and forth with Duane Allen on Twitter Britt sent the song to Joe Bonsall for approval, creating a great friendship between Britt, Bonsall, and the rest of the band.

“…I sent the song to [Joe Bonsall] and he said hey we love this please go ahead and release it. So I did and from there Joe and I became really close friends, and have been good friends for the last four years. I'm friends with the rest of the guys as well, they're all great guys… Since then they have been so supportive of my music and has helped me in a number of ways. Joe and I are working on a song together and they're just great people super people so thats been really neat,” said Britt.

Through each of his songs it is easy to see Britt’s passion for not only country music but for songwriting as well. The songs Britt has written that are most meaningful to him are both about his children and those songs are; “A Father’s Prayer” which was on his first album and “He Made You” which will be on an upcoming album. One of the Britt’s favorite parts about writing a song is the unknown.

“…You’re telling a story and a lot of time you're specifically writing about a story so it’s not something you're trying to figure out… You just never know where they're going to go and that’s the coolest thing about writing country music because you're telling a story a lot of the times and people love hearing that you know there’s more then just a beat or a catchy little thing in many of the songs there are stories to be told,” said Britt.

Ever since Britt’s songs started getting airplay on The BlackSheep Network, listeners have had nothing but great things to say about Britt’s music. The great feedback means a lot to Britt.

“It makes me feel great, you know I love interacting with fans. It’s been real fun meeting the people that I have. I've made some great friendships through twitter and Facebook, all kinds of stuff...” said Britt.

“Whenever you create something and people give you feedback and say; ‘I really love this, I love your song. I love your steak, I love your ice-cream, whatever, it makes you feel really special because you know you’ve touched somebody. I get lots of really neat messages from people saying; you know I’ve had a really tough time and I heard your song and it really helped me out, I just lost a loved one, or my kid just went off to college. or my boyfriend just broke up with me and I hate him. There’s all kind of things that people send you…” continued Britt.

To keep tabs on Britt’s career like him on Facebook (David Britt), follow Britt on Twitter (@davidbritt), on Youtube, and visit his website at

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