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Kelsie May in Blazing Her Own Path In Country Music

Ever since appearing on NBC’s The Voice, Kelsie May has been blazing her own path to country music stardom.

May appeared on season eight of The Voice, joining coach Blake Shelton’s team after singing a Loretta Lynn song. May, who idolizes artists like Lynn, Taylor Swift and others discovered what type of artist she would like to be during her time on the show.

“Honestly…I really feel like the month I was out in LA I grew a lot as an artist and as a person. While I was out there working with people like Blake Shelton. I really learned a lot about myself and the type of music I want to put out to the world,” said May.

Since leaving The Voice, May has been working on new music. On her latest EP, May worked with Producer David Malloy. Malloy has worked with the most talented artists which include; Reba McEntire, Tim McGraw, Stevie Nix from Fleetwood Mac, among others. One of May’s newest songs is “Fool For You.” May wrote “Fool For You” in the middle of night and it has now become one of the most popular songs on The BlackSheep Network.

“I actually wrote that song in the middle of the night a few months ago and it’s one of my favorite songs. I’ve never really been in a relationship per say but of course I've had my heart broke and things like that,” said May.

“I’ve seen it happen because I have my older sisters… and I've also witnessed it happen to friends of mine, so I kind of wrote it from that place. Regardless if we’re in a relationship or not, we kind of fall for the wrong people, we listen to their lies, and we go over it in our head a bunch of times. Should I stay with them? or should I go? Even if you tell your self a million times that you're not going to stay in the relationship or treated like that we usually end up going right back to it,” continued May.

The success of “Fool For You” on The BlackSheep Network Top 30 countdown has meant a lot to the talented singer/songwriter. “Fool For You” reached the number one spot on The Top 30 Countdown for three weeks in a row.

“Oh man that’s been awesome… I'm not even voting for myself that’s really cool. To be able to see my song climbing every week has been a really awesome feeling. Because it means the world to me that people love my song that much they would take time out of their day to vote for it,” said May

If May could accomplish one thing in her career, she would like to help inspire others to follow their dreams just like her family did for her.

“I love what I do and I love to be able to see people experience my music for the first time… I just want them to know I'm also going to stay true to who I am and I want my music to speak to generations. I want to be able to inspire people to follow their dreams as well because I've been very fortunate to have a family who really helps me follow my dreams. It’s a crazy one but they've been through it with every single step of the way. I just want to be able to inspire people and be a great role model,” said May

To follow along on May’s exciting musical journey follow her on Twitter and Instagram, like her on Facebook, and visit

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