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‘I Don’t Know Why’… Will Carter is not a regular on Main Stream Radio

Will Carter, a talented singer/songwriter from Texas has been involved in music since he was young.

Carter released his first CD at the age of 13 when his dad was diagnosed with cancer. According to Carter, in the last year of his father’s life, his father had his CD on repeat. Today Carter is continuing to touch people with his music. One of Carter’s goals is to inspire people to follow their dream through his music.

“I want [people] to know my story. I want them to know how I grew up which I find to be pretty old fashioned for people in my generation; I grew up on a farm milking goats, and I had a garden, and I counted eggs, not many people do that,” said Carter.

“I would want them to know that story and to know I came from there and moved to a bigger city and went to A&M. I went to college and kept following my dreams. I hope anybody that finds my music would pick up on that message and would do the same. If they’ve got a passion of their’s or a dream, to never give up or let go of that,” continued Carter.

Carter’s song “I Don’t Know Why” is doing well on The BlackSheep Network. The song has been tearing up the Texas Regional Radio Report as well. “I Don’t Know Why” has the top 40 on the chart. “I Don’t Know Why” tells the story of a guy who is on a date and does not want the night to end.

“The story behind ‘I Don’t know Why’ is, you're hanging out with a chick that you really dig and you're having a good time. You're out dancing or out at a show and she sees it’s midnight. She goes alright its been a fun lets call it a night. Your response is, I don't know why we would call it a night now, we’re having a good time. Lets keep hanging out. I don’t want to call it a night. We’re having fun lets keep going,” said Carter.

Carter recently wrapped up a two week radio tour all over Texas to promote his song “I Don’t Know Why.” Carter will be releasing a new EP in the near future and Carter is looking forward to hearing the feedback from his fans.

“We want to put out music that other people are digging. We want to get their response so we can kind of feel out the supporters and fans and find out what kind of stuff that they dig, and what their feelings [are towards our music],” said Carter.

“You know the EP itself is pretty diverse; we have slow songs, we have a ballad, we have a waltz, we have rocking songs, we have up tempo songs…” continued Carter.

For his career Carter would like to get to a point where he can make a living with his music. If Carter continues to produce songs like “I Don’t Know Why” he will accomplish his goal. To follow Carter like him on Facebook at Will Carter Band, follow him on twitter at @WillCarterBand and visit his website at

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