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The Electric Cowboys are Ready to Take the World by Storm!!!

The Electric Cowboys are ready to spread their music all over the world. The talented band is getting ready to release new music and go on a world tour.

The Electric Cowboys are made up of Jason Martinez (Lead Vocals/Guitar), Tim Villanueva (Drums/Vocals), Mike Molini (Keyboard/Vocals), Chris Perez (Bass Guitar/Vocals), and Leroy Perez (Guitar/Fiddle/Percussion/Vocals). Recently Martinez joined Rick and LeAnne live on The BlackSHeep Network.

“Oh my gosh Rick and LeAnne, they're so funny. They make the interview not feel like an interview. It feels like we’re just sitting in a room just talking, joking around, and having a good time…” said Martinez.

During the interview The Electric Cowboys’ new song “I Love You, But I Won’t” debuted on The BlackSheep Network. In addition to the new song The Electric Cowboys will be releasing a new CD in the coming months called Town Upside Down. The talented group will also be hitting the road visiting their fans outside of Texas.

“We have the whole album that will be out in a couple of months. We actually tour three to four days weekly so we’re hardly ever home. I do believe we will be coming up the east coast finally, and we will be going over to the west coast, and we do have somethings in the works for overseas…” said Martinez.

“So theres a lot of travel coming up for The Electric Cowboys. We’re becoming more and more popular due to the music being played on radio stations like you guys. So I want to thank you guys for that. You guys are the ones helping us propel to something bigger…” continued Martinez.

Like all of the songs Martinez has written, “I Love You, But I Won’t” comes from life experiences. The song is about one person in a relationship messing up and wanting to rekindle that relationship. According to Martinez the other person comes back and says “I love you but I cant, I love you but I wont.”

“…I’ve lived this story, I myself went through somethings when I was younger and I basically wrote it from the other person’s point of view… [It’s] something very, very real. It’s not like i saw something going on and said oh I got to write about this. This is happening to us and I had to document it in a song,” continued Martinez.

According to Martinez it is the melody of the song that can make the song great. For Martinez creating the melody is his favorite aspect of songwriting.

“My favorite part about writing a song is the melody. I love coming up with melodies that are going to make you want to sing along with me. I want you to sit in you car and hum a song before you know the words. Something that’s going to stick to you. I think if you got a good melody and it sticks in your head then the rest of the song is going to be great,” said Martinez.

Every time one of The Electric Cowboys songs are played they alway get great feedback. For Martinez the great feedback helps validate his songwriting.

“Honestly it makes me feel like I've written something because it lets me know that the people out there are relating to the stuff that I'm writing about. It makes me feel good that everyone has or is going through stuff that I've gone through,” said Martinez.

To see if The Electric Cowboys will be heading to a town near you, visit their website ( . Like them on Facebook (The Electric Cowboys), and follow them on Twitter (@ElectricCowboys).

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