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Che Orton's Nashville Trip Produces New Music

New Zealand’s Che Orton is ready to take the country music world by storm. The talented singer/songwriter recently released new music.

Last month Orton took a trip down to Los Vegas and Nashville. While Orton was down in Nashville he was able to meet fellow singer/songwriter David Hill. Hill is a member of The Lewis Hill Project and Cottonbox Rd. The two talented artists were able to discuss future songs.

David Hill and Che Orton

“[David Hill is a] real nice guy. He took the drive from Alabama and picked me up. We went out for a bite to eat, and talked about songs," said Orton.

"I've been talking to him since I've been back and we've been able to talk about songs that we’re going to do together..” continued Orton.

Orton was not only able to meet the musicians who are on his songs “Boogie Woogie All Night Long” and “You’re The Reason,” but he was able to record two brand new songs. One of the songs, “Honky Tonk Man” debuted on The BlackSheep Network a week ago and the other song is called "Friday."

“It was amazing!!! Vegas was cool, but I was looking forward to the Nashville trip and it was amazing. I just loved it. I Got to go through CTM Studios and watched a session there. Tuesday I went into the studio with Buddy Hyatt and did my vocals and that was amazing to meet him. I got to meet Tommy Barnes who is a top songwriter and Chip Davis who did my backing vocals there, Wednesday I got to sit in on a session and those guys just blew me away with what they came up with. It was crazy to think of the things that they do..” said Orton.

“It was just great to meet all the guys like Buddy Hyatt in person. I've been working with him for three years now and it was the first time I met him in person. So that was probably the best part meeting all of the musicians on my songs. And being able to record in Nashville itself was amazing because not many people get that chance,” continued Orton.

“Honky Tonk Man” which was written by Orton himself is about working as hard as you can to get your name out there. “Friday” which was written by Buddy Hyatt is about unwinding after a long week at work.

“‘Friday’ is about going out on the town and getting drunk. It’s about working all week and Friday comes and you go out on the town and get fried. The song goes; ‘it’s Friday and Im going to get fried.’ It’s a cool song Buddy Hyatt sent it to me a couple years back …” said Orton.

According to Orton one of the most enjoyable aspects of Nashville was the live music. From 11am till 2am you can hear music being play in the Honky Tonks all over Nashville. This aspect that has given Nashville its nickname of Music City is not easily found in New Zealand.

“You got your big following that pretty much follow you around, and there’s always events going on, but theres just not the support with radio and with labels,” said Orton.

“Yeah there’s just no support with country and it’s a shame really. I think Australia has a good support network, but I don’t know what the problem is here in New Zealand. It’s really bad. We have country artists all throughout New Zealand, and they're all doing shows all the time…” Continued Orton.

Orton is well on his way to changing the view of Country Music in New Zealand. The talented singer/songwriter hopes to have an album out by the end of the year. In addition to working on new music Orton will be performing at The Morrinsville Country Spectacular in September. To keep up with Orton visit his website (, Like him on Facebook (Che Orton Music), and follow him on Twitter (@che_orton).

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