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Nikki Briar is Blazing Her Own Path in Country Music

Nikki Briar is on her way to becoming the next big thing in Country Music. The country artist from New Jersey recently went on a 12 state tour opening for Granger Smith and Chase Bryant, and is getting ready to release new music.

It was in middle school that the talented singer/songwritter got interested in country music. Briar began to learn songs like “If Tomorrow Never Comes” by Garth Brooks on the guitar, from there her career was born.

“I started learning guitar in middle school and got into Shania Twain and Leann Rimes. I learned ‘If Tomorrow Never Comes” by Garth Brooks on guitar as one of my first songs and it developed from there,” said Briar

"I met my husband who is in the army and I started performing at his military events. A fellow soldier suggested I go to Nashville and record my originals and so we took a big jump in doing exactly that, which was 6 years ago. Now with 4 albums out and an incredible fan base, it was the best leap of faith I ever took.” continued Briar.

Briar’s tour with Bryant and Smith might have come to a close but the talented singer/songwriter has a lot of exciting things on tap. Briar will be opening for Rodney Atkins on October 21st, as well as preparing to go out on tour during next summer. In addition to the shows Briar will be releasing an EP and her newest single will be called “ After The New Wears Off”

“[‘After The New Wears Off’] is a catchy modern country song relating a new relationship to a new car and after the new wears off, will the love and excitement still be there or will it go away. We have debuted it at a few concerts and the feedback from fans has been great, we look forward to the release and hearing it on country radio,” said Briar.

One of Briar’s most popular songs is “Country Thang.” According to Briar she told her team she wanted a country anthem song and with “Country Thang” they accomplished that goal. The song became so popular amongst her fans that Briar held a contest to see which person could create the best line dance to the song. The line dance that was created by Matt Thomson went viral all over the world. When it comes to writing songs Briar’s favorite part about the process is getting lost in the song.

“I love getting lost in the words and melody of a song, it's like tunnel vision. I also enjoy the random things and moments that inspire me, I just never know when it will hit,” said Briar.

“I wrote my song ‘Big Red Truck’ while sitting in my truck one summer night listening to country radio, and I wrote ‘Unknown Soldier’ in a hotel room the night after visiting Arlington Cemetery in Washington DC. It is also fun collaborating with other artists and songwriters as well, getting new ideas and perspectives,” continued Briar.

Briar is grateful to her fans that call themselves Country Thang Nation. According to Briar without her fans she would not have the drive to keep going in the music industry. It is because of her fans that she has been able to have success.

“…I have an amazing fan base that continues to grow daily and I am truly blessed to interact with my devoted fans at performances and through social media. Fans know that I am addicted to taking pictures and capturing the moment so you'll always see us taking stage selfies and group pictures with fans at our shows,” said Briar.

“I cannot thank them enough for developing what is known as Country Thang Nation because when they say they love and enjoy what I do, I know I am going in the right direction. After touring so much this summer, it feels surreal to get stopped at stores or in parking lots by people who say they saw me perform or heard my music and want an autograph or picture with me, that is pure fulfillment for me. continued Briar.

With Briar’s fan base growing daily there are country music fans hearing her music for the first time. For those new fans Briar would like them to know that her music is relatable.

“My music is relatable and fun but at times sassy and strong too. I have been blessed to develop a growing fan base and love meeting new fans who just experienced my music or performance for the first time. I also want fans to know that I enjoy interaction and that I am proud to have their support and love,” said Briar.

To keep up with Briar fans can visit, like her on Facebook (Nikki Briar), and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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