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Josh Gallagher Has Made a Name for Himself on The Voice

From a small town in Pennsylvania to the bright lights of The Voice stage, Team Adam’s Josh Gallagher is proving week in and week out that he can be the next big thing in country music.

Each year on The Voice there are thousands of talented artists who hope to be where Gallagher now stands, in the top eight. When Gallagher auditioned he never thought he would find himself in the top eight.

“No, hell no! I didn't even know if I would make it past the blinds, or make it to the blinds .You know I was taking one day at a time and getting use to this whole wardrobe, makeup, rehearsing and everything else that has do with being on the show. I never thought that I’d make it this far. Not that I doubted myself, but I mean when you audition for The Voice and you got 40 thousand people that are auditioning and then you make it all the way to eight people. One of eight people in the country that is on the show, that’s like beating the lottery,” said Gallagher.

Gallagher advanced to the semi-finals with his rendition of Tim McGraw’s “Real Good Man.” The talented artist had the crowd up on their feet dancing and singing along. Gallagher’s rendition of “Real Good Man” did well on iTunes. The song reached the top 40 on the iTunes chats and the top 10 of the Country iTunes charts. For Gallagher the experience of seeing his songs on the charts is surreal.

“It’s been crazy I don't know I think last week I hit like number 40 or five or six on the country iTunes charts, but it doesn't matter. I mean it’s kind of cool to see yourself, your name and a song on the iTunes charts and watch it go up, and up, and hopefully keep going up. I use iTunes all the time. I don’t know it’s kind of surreal to see the charts, and you see these big time famous people moving up in spots, or dropping, and now I’m part of all that. It’s kind of crazy,” said Gallagher.

While Gallagher was able to breath a sigh of relief when host Carson Daly called his name he had to wait. Gallagher’s name was the last to be called before the bottom three artists sang for the Twitter save. For Gallagher it seemed like forever before Daly said his name.

“What do you mean this past week? It’s been the past three weeks. I don't even know what the heck was going on in my mind last week. Not this past Monday, but two Mondays ago I think you could visibly see that I was nervous on my face. It’s tough, it’s really sucky to be standing on stage like that. And when you hear your name called later and later and later, and then you finally get down to four or five people you're just standing there praying that Carson calls your name and America saves you,” said Gallagher.

“There’s just a lot going through your head. I was running my save song when it got to the last four or five I was just running my save song, mentally preparing myself. I mean, I can’t really explain it. It was a lot to take in. He said my name and I almost started crying. It was awesome when he did call my name, but for the day and a half that it felt like I was up there waiting it was a little nerve racking…" said Gallagher

The talented artist has been able to advance each week because of his strong performances and the strong support that his fans have showed him from day one. According to Gallagher if it wasn’t for his fans he would not be where he is today.

“Oh my god my fans are absolutely incredible. I don't know where they came from. You know what I mean? I’m just a kid from a small town in Pennsylvania. I never really thought that I could be doing something like this…You know if weren't for them; my older fans, newer fans, and hopefully my future fans, if it weren’t for them I wouldn't be here. I couldn't do what I do. So I love my fans to death,” said Gallagher

“..I just want to thank my fans from the bottom of my heart. I love every single one of them. The love and support they show me every day is just absolutely incredible. If there’s a dream, if there’s something you have your heart set on, and you truly believe that you can do it, then go after it because you're gonna do it. If you have in your heart that you can do whatever it is that you're going to do you're going to be fine. Work hard and you'll get what you want. You'll get to where you want to be in your life and I cant really stress that enough. If it wasn't for working as hard as I have been over the last couple of years since I moved to Nashville, I don't know if I’d be here,” continued Gallagher.

A few weeks ago The Voice artists got to work with country music legend Garth Brooks. When Gallagher saw Brooks standing on the stage ready to work with him he was taken a back. According to Gallagher he does not get starstruck too often, but with Brooks that went to the wayside. To Gallagher’s amazement, Brooks jumped right in and helped with the arrangement of the song. The country music legend told Gallagher to keep doing what he was doing and he would be successful.

“At one point he said during the rehearsal if he was a producer, a label or a manager he would be looking for me. He said what I do, and what I continue to do, and the way that I do it. The talent that I have, and the way that I go about things to make sure I never lose that. That was probably the most pivotal advice that he gave me just keep doing what I know how to do and I’ll just keep getting better for sure,” said Gallagher.

Gallagher continues to get better with each week he remains on the show. According to Gallagher the key for him to advance to the finals representing Team Adam is to leave everything he has out there on The Voice Stage.

“To be honest with you I think what I need to do is just going out on that stage and pouring my heart out and leaving everything out on that stage. Everyday I'm here and week of the show I feel like I just keep getting better and better…I’m doing a very tender intimate song this week and I just really want to pull everybody in. I want to make them feel like I am singing directly to them…” said Gallagher.

“Whenever I play in Nashville when I take a loud venue or a loud room and quiet everybody where no ones talking when Im playing. If I can hook them in like that then I think I’ll be ok. That’s one of my favorite things to do is when Im playing just completely quit a whole entire crowd with what m doing up on stage. When they just shut up and everybody is listening and watching that’s when you know you got them. I think that’s what Im going to have to do to advance to the finals,” said Gallagher.

Gallagher, Billy Gilman, and Brendan Fletcher are all in the semi-finals, Team Adam remains the only team that is fully intact. For Gallagher who considers both Gilman and Fletcher great friends its an awesome feeling to have them there. This week the pool of eight artists will be reduced to four. To see if Gallagher and his teammates are able to advance to the Finale tune in to The Voice on NBC at 8pm EST on Monday and Tuesday.

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