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2017 Will Be A Huge Year for Country Artist Derek Andrew

Derek Andrew is ready to take the country music world by storm. The talented singer/songwriter’s song “Night We’re Gonna Forget” has become popular on stations like the BlackSheep Network.

Andrew started singing with his dad at a young age. According to Andrew his music is influenced by different genres and artists.

“You know it was a whole lot of different genres [that influenced me]. I love Eric Church and George Jones, and Willie Nelson. I also like a lot of alternative rock and christian music, show tunes. I love all kinds of music. It’s really just a huge blend of everything there’s nothing specific,” said Andrew.

In 2017 fans can expect a lot of exciting things from the talented artist. According to Andrew there will be more shows and new music. Included in the new music will be an album and two songs that fans have been requesting.

“Big things in 2017. I'm going to be playing a lot more shows here in Georgia, and in the Eastern part of the US. Hopefully I will be recording a new album. A lot of people have been asking for a song that I do called ‘Halfway to Heaven’ and ‘Tangled,' we’re hopefully going to have those out. So big things in 2017,” said Andrew.

Andrew’s song, “Night We’re Gonna Forget’ is currently on The BlackSheep Network Top 30 Countdown. When listening to the “Night We’re Gonna Forget” fans cant help but dance and have a good time, which was Andrew’s goal while writing the song.

“We wrote that with the intent of trying to come up with and an upbeat summer party song. It’s not like a story that specifically relates back to me, but the goal was not to pigeon hole me into one particular sound if you will. So kind of an up beat jumping rock tune that was kind of the goal behind that song…” said Andrew.

Andrew has been receiving great feedback on his music. The talented artist loves hearing that his music is able to connect with people on a personal level. When recording a song Andrew loves being able to see his ideas come to life.

“Recording music is kind of a tedious process. My favorite part is the creativity that can go into a song. When we write we have all these ideas that come out and I guess watching those ideas come to fruition during the recording process is probably one of my most favorite parts. You know we all have in our head what we think the song should sound like, but actually making the song sound like that is my favorite part,” said Andrew.

When on stage Andrew feels he is able to be himself. To see where Andrew will be playing next visit

“Getting to be me. I'm a goofball and in my professional job I have to be serious a lot of the time and it’s stressful. So when I get to go and perform it’s just me and the crowd. You know and those guys bring out the goofy side, the funny side, I get to have a good time with just us,” said Derek Andrew.

To follow along on Andrew’s musical Journey like the talented singer on Facebook (Derek Andrew) and follow him on Twitter (@derekandrew_).

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