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Casi Joy Advances to The Knockout Rounds

From the Honkey Tonks in Nashville to The Voice stage, Casi Joy is ready to make her mark in Country Music. Casi Joy used her experience to win her Battle Round and advance to The Knockouts.

During The Battle Rounds Team Blake had the opportunity not only to work with their superstar coach, but Country Music superstar Luke Bryan as well. For Casi Joy getting to work with Bryan was an awesome opportunity.

“He was great. I was totally starstruck by him, especially since we were caught off guard by it. It was a total surprise. We had no idea who the mentor was going to be, so it was super exciting,” said Casi Joy.

“I’m a big fan of his and he has some great advice as far as stage performance goes, and just being an entertainer in general. That was really helpful,” continued Casi Joy.

Casi Joy faced off against Ashley Levin during The Battle Rounds. The two sang “How Blue” by Reba McEntire. According to Casi Joy the reason why Blake Shelton chose this song for the two talented singers was because of the traditional sound that Shelton heard in both of their voice. According to Shelton Casi Joy edged out Levin because of her stage presence. For Casi Joy facing off against Levine was bittersweet.

“I mean it was pretty stressful and and nerve racking. She’s one of my good friends on the show and so it was kind of bittersweet going against her. It was so much fun working on this song and putting our spin on it,” said Casi Joy.

“We worked really hard on it and it was awesome to get to sing with her, but unfortunate that it was in the setting that it was. But it ended up working for the best and we got the steal so that was awesome,” continued Casi Joy.

After winning the round Casi Joy said it was great hearing yes from someone she has looked up to her whole life. Now that Casi Joy has been able to work with Shelton she is soaking up every moment and word.

“It was amazing working with him. He's got such great insight with him being at the head of Country Music. Every word of his is worth gold. It’s just really awesome to get to work with him,” said Casi Joy.

Casi Joy’s fanbase has grown since her Blind Audition aired. For Casi Joy thats has been her favorite part of being on the show so far.

“That’s been one of the most incredible things so far about this journey. Having not only my hometown, but other people reaching out to me. We've got restaurants here that say my name on them now, and good luck. It’s just meant the world to have so many people behind me and believing in me,” said Casi Joy,

According to Casi Joy she will need to kick it up a notch in order to advance to the Live playoffs and continue her Journey on The Voce. For Casi Joy her experience on the show so far has been a great learning experience.

“[The Voice has] been such a great learning experience. It’s been kind of an intro to show business and the music industry. This is a much higher level of the industry than I ever experienced. Getting a chance to learn about the behind the scenes, and the wardrobe tricks, the vocal exercises that I'm getting out here. It’s just been so educational. I've really learned a lot in the short time I've been on the show,” said Casi Joy.

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