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The Voice has Given Red Marlow Another Shot At Accomplishing his Dreams

For Red Marlow being on The Voice has given him a second chance at a music career. The 40 year old who had all but given up on music sang “Swingin’” by John Anderson impressing Coach Blake Shelton.

Marlow who was nicknamed Red growing because of his red hair, began singing at the age of 9 after picking up a Fender Stratocaster that his father had laying around the house. From there the talented singer began singing in church and in school. Marlow has been pursuing music ever since. The native of Rogersville, Alabama moved Nashville in his early 20’s which started his journey to The Voice stage.

“I’ve done music for years. I moved to Nashville in 02. Pretty much that’s all I've ever done is singing and writing songs, performing and doing music. I told myself when I moved to town, if I hadn't made it where I want to be by the age of 40 that I was going to move on and try something new. I did that, I turned 40 back in February. I decided to do a small construction company, said Marlow.

“My old manager, who is always taking care of me called me and said ‘hey Red The Voice is going to be in town, what do you think about trying out?’ I was like well you know what I may as well. What the heck? I’ll give it a shot. I had already kind of threw in the towel and moved on, but one more shot seemed like the right thing to do. So we went and tried out. That’s how we got here,” continued Marlow.

With his rendition of "Swingin'" Marlow got the attention of both Shelton and Miley Cyrus. Both Cyrus and Shelton were impressed with Marlow’s traditional country sound with Shelton saying, “to have a guy like you who wants to represent county music from the era that you and I grew up in that’s exciting to me. I’d love to see you get the opportunity that you deserve man.” Marlow chose Shelton because of not only the country music connection, but because of their similar lifestyles.

“Well honestly Blake was my guy the whole way. I will say Miley was very convincing and very sweet. She said a lot great things but yeah at the end of the day I mean I had already made up my mind on Blake. But Miley did put up a great fight,” said Marlow.

“I’ve always been a fan of Blake. I met Blake a few times through the years in Nashville. He and I are literally cut from the same cloth. I mean from huntin’, fishin’, shootin’, I mean honestly we’re as about as alike as you can get when it comes to the way we live our lives. So you know that is really important to me. Just knowing that he and I are so much alike was a big deal. So that was the main reason for choosing Blake,” continued Marlow.

Marlow’s traditional country sound that got both Cyrus and Shelton to turn their chair has been influenced by one very important person, his father. According to Marlow his father is an extremely talented singer and musician.

“I tell everybody my dad is my biggest influence on anything as far as music because he honestly is a really good player on everything. If its got strings he’s pretty darn good at it. So he would definitely be my biggest influence as far as anything to with music or singing, he’s a great singer. He’s definitely my number one influence,” said Marlow.

Marlow wants to use his second chance at a singing career to inspire people, to help change their lives for the better. The talented singer would also like to make his parents proud.

“Well at the end of the day I want to change people’s lives. I want to do something good. I’ve told the guys at The Voice from day one. Mainly I want to make my parents proud is always my number one [goal], which I know they're proud of me. But you know just something cool for my parents. I grew up in a small town in Alabama called Rogersville. I want to make them proud,” said Marlow.

“And hopefully I can help people and touch people’s lives with songs. I mean I didn't realize until later in life that songs can really, really touch people and changes people’s lives for the good. So I mean at the end of the day that’s my goal; to do something uplifting to god, and hopefully people will love it, and help change someone’s life for the good,” continued Marlow.

Marlow hopes to continue his Journey on The Voice by advancing out of the Battle Rounds. To follow along with Marlow’s musical journey like him on Facebook, Twitter (@redmarlow), and Instagram (@redmarlow).

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