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It is Going to be an Interesting Year For David Britt

There is a lot on the horizon for singer/songwriter David Britt. From new music to shows fans will be hearing a lot from the talented artist in the near future.

Britt has a talent for songwriting. Over the last few years Britt has written over a two thousand songs. Through each song you can hear Britt’s passion for music. The talented singer/songwriter has a wide range of songs that include, songs like “Be Fierce,” “The Elf Song,” and “The Cadbury Egg Song,” and so much more. According to Britt he was meant to be a songwriter.

“Thats a good question, I think we’re all here for different reasons and I've been given a gift to write music. I'm able to do it and I don't know why it comes easy to me and I don't know how long it'll last you know. I've been writing music since 2010 and I have over a couple thousand songs. I mean i literally write songs daily, If i sat down all day I could probably write 30-40 songs in a day. I can write, I don't know why. I've been given that gift, so as long as I am able to do it I'm going to. I'm going to keep writing…” said Britt.

“Be Fierce” is a song Britt wrote in tribute to Gretchen Carlson. Recently Carlson released her new book Be Fierce. The book is about sexual harassment in the work place and how to deal with it. After Britt sent Carlson the song she invited him to New York where he performed the song at the the Book Release Party. The song will become a single for Britt. According to Britt the song is meant to be motivational.

“… Her book is about sexual harassment in the work place and how to take back your power as a woman and not let that sort of stuff happen. That’s why it’s called Be Fierce. I basically took that situation and wrote it in a song. It doesn't say anything specifically about sexual harassment or things like that. It’s a very motivational song about how to get through tough situations and how to not avoid them, but to look at them right in the face and say I'm going to move on. It’s going to get better and I'm going to figure out how to get through this thing. So basically the song is a reflection of that,” said Britt.

“It’s a song that is going to be very motivational. It’s going to be great not only for woman to listen to, but for young girls like my daughter, and also men, and boys. At the end of the day there is a huge issue of sexual harassment in the work place and outside of the workplace. A great majority of that is men. Women got to stand up and say I'm not going to tolerate this and at the same time men have to say I'm not going to do that. So everybody has got to hold everyone accountable for their actions…” continued Britt.

In addition to “Be Fierce” Britt will be releasing The Elf Song in December, and he has a new album coming out on February 14th called Love Songs and Lullabies. The album will have something for all music fans. According to Britt the album will include. pop songs, country songs, and R&B songs.

“I’ve got a new album coming out February 14 called Love Songs and Lullabies. It’s going to be a different kind of album for me. It’s not a big country album, it’s variety of songs from true lullabies I’ve written, to love songs. Some are country, some are R&B, some are pop,” said Britt.

“I've even got funny songs like ‘The Cadbury Egg Song,’ it’s got a little bit of everything in it. It’s a real neat album. I wanted to kind of do something different, something for kids and adults. I'm coming out with that in February and then before the end if the year in December I am going to release the “Elf Song” which is about the elf on the shelf. Then I've got t the “Be Fierce” song also being released before the end of the year. So I’ve got a lot going on. It’s going to be an interesting year,” continued Britt.

Britt has a few shows coming up to close out the year including a Christmas Tree Lighting on Nov 17th. One of the most important shows Britt will be playing takes place on November 11th. The show called Singin’ For A Reason is in its second year and will take place at The Sugar Creek Brewing Company in Charlotte. All proceeds of the show will go to Pediatric cancer research.

“I initially started this event a year ago in honor of a good friend’s son who has an inoperable brain tumor he's around my son’s age, around eight years old his name is Holmes. it’s something I'm going to do every year to raise money for cancer research for kids. My band plays and we got some awesome sponsors…My whole band will be playing, an eight piece band including me,” said Britt.

“We’re just going to go out and tear it up for a good two to three hours and raise a bunch of money for Pediatric Cancer Research, its a fun night. We’re really excited about it… Hopefully we get a lot of people out there. For whatever reason charitable shows are hard to sell, for but we’re hoping for a good turnout. We've already raised a lot of money with the sponsorships which is awesome. Either way like I said we’ll put on a great show and hope people that are there have a good time..” continued Britt.

To follow Britt and find out where he will be playing or what song he will be releasing next visit his website (, like him on Facebook, and follow him on Instagram and Twitter.

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