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With One Push of A Button Adam Cunningham Survives to Sing Another Song

With one push of a button Adam Cunningham survived a Knockout Round loss to advance to the Playoffs on NBC The Voice.

During the Battle Rounds Cunningham was able to beat fellow country artist Natalie Stovall to advance to the next round. The pair sang “Boondocks,” and according to Cunningham he was able to show off multiple facets of his voice.

“Well I feel like I busted my ass. I went for it, and really kind of made it my own and got to showcase some of my upper range. But at the same time just the whole thing went really well. We both really fed off each other,” said Cunningham.

During The Knockout Rounds Cunningham faced off against Esera Tuaolo and sang “Either Way” by Chris Stapleton. The talented singer would go on to lose the round, but was stolen by Coach Adam Levine advancing him to the Playoffs. For Cunningham the Steal was instant redemption.

“Oh my goodness I wasn’t real happy when I lost. I mean not happy at all but when Adam stole me it was just instant redemption. You’re right it’s a complete rollercoaster of emotions. All of a sudden you're like oh crap, and then you're like oh yeah. Yeah thats a trip,” said Cunningham.

Cunningham chose to sing “Either Way” to not only show off his vocal range, but to move the audience.

“I love that song. I love the way that it’s vulnerable with the beginning and then that chorus explodes. I wanted to move people and I couldn't think of a much better song to do that with. You know at this point in the game and then just me and my guitar just wanted to sing real intimate and moving and I feel out I did what I set out to do,” said Cunningham.

During the Knockout Rounds the teams got to work with superstar Kelly Clarkson. Clarkson who will be a coach next season served as the mentor. According to Cunningham, Clarkson encouraged him to keep going all out and immerse himself in the song. For Cunningham working with Clarkson was a great experience.

“Oh my goodness I’m such big fan of Kelly Clarkson. I mean she is immensely talented and just one of the coolest chicks. I mean down to earth as all get down. So sweet and encouraging. I think Kelly Clarkson I think Superstar,” said Cunningham.

Not only did Cunningham get to work with Clarkson during the Knockout Rounds, he also got to work with Rascal Flatts. The country music superstars served as Team Blake’s mentor during the Battle Rounds. Cunningham was impressed about how genuine the guys of Rascal Flatts were.

“Man such sweet guys very nice complimentary seemed like genuine guys I was impressed,” said Cunningham.

“Well after watching the show I found out that apparently I’m an excellent hugger. I was like well I can’t argue with that. But you know they were more encouraging than anything else. When you're in this kind of a process encouragement really goes a long way because you get a lot of stuff coming at you all at once,” continued Cunningham.

Cunningham will now move on to the Playoffs where he will try to continue to connect with viewers in hopes they will vote him through each week.

“…You know i just got to keep connecting with the audience. You know connect with the people at home and the viewers and hopefully keep moving them,” said Cunningham.

The Knockout Rounds continue tonight on NBC. Tune in to find out who will be joining Cunningham in the Playoffs.

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