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Keisha Renee Belongs in The Semifinals

Keisha Renee is exactly where she belongs. The talented artist advanced to the semifinals of The Voice with her rendition of Celine Dion’s “All By Myself” and will sing tonight for a chance to advance to the Finale.

Keisha Renee decided to sing “All By Myself” for two main reasons. One to pay respects to the artists that inspired her to sing like Dion and Whitney Houston, and two, to remind viewers of the type of artist she is . According to Keisha Renee she is not just a country singer but a Country/Pop/Soul artist.

“…I feel like along the way some of the viewers thought I wanted to just be a country singer. Do traditional country and that’s never been the case. The first thing I said when Jennifer asked me what kind of music did I want to do I said Country/Pop/Soul and thats basically an infusion of all of my love for music," said Keisha Renee.

“So another reason why I did ‘All By Myself’ was I feel like I don't want to just do country music I want to infuse it with everything. I want to have balance like ‘All By Myself’. To have country music influences, the story telling aspect of it, but I never see myself having a country twang because thats not me. I didn't want people to continue to get confused as to why they didn't hear a country twang in my country songs. That’s not the country artist I’m trying to be. I want be a Country Pop Soul artist,” continued Keisha Renee.

Keisha Renee joins teammates Red Marlow and Chloe Kohanski, former teammates Adam Cunningham, and Noah Mac in the semifinals, along with Addison Agen and Brooke Simpson. With each week and performance the talented singer has earned her spot in the semifinals and is ready to show America why she deserves to not only be among these talented singers but in the Finale.

“Absolutely, I've worked so hard and not just on the show but towards my career period. I mean being a background singer you support so many people. Support, support, support, so it’s like I know how to serve, I know how to support and now that it’s my turn. All this support that I'm getting from my fans is amazing and it’s validating. So i deserve to be here because I put in the work over the years of being background over years of just finding my own voice. I put in the work and I'm not ashamed to say I deserve it,” said Keisha Renee.

Keisha Renee’s version of “All By Myself” beat out Taylor Swift for the 9th spot on the iTunes overall chart. Breaking the Top 10 was overwhelming for the talented artist.

“I was overwhelmed. I felt excitement, I felt validated. I was blown away just because you have this dream to be an artist as a kid. To be this artist, to be a singer and then you think about charts and I was like oh what is that? To actually make it in the top 10 overall, I'm sitting on top of someone that I look up to like Taylor Swift. Like wow we’re battling it out for the tenth spot, that’s crazy,” said Keisha Renee.

According to Keisha Renee her key to success is staying true to herself and leavening everything out there on stage.

“You know stay consistent. I think to continue to show the world who i am. Continue to be authentically me, not trying to do anything outside of the ordinary. I think at this point in the game people are trying to figure out what they can do to make it better and I feel like I've done everything that I could possibly do the only thing that I can do is just go out and kay it out there show my heart like I do every Monday and pray that its enough for America to continue to invest with me and take me to that final,” said Keisha Renee.

All the work that fans are putting in for Keisha Renee is not going unnoticed by the talented singer. The posts, comments, messages, votes, and song downloads mean the world to the talented singer.

“I want them to know how much they mean to me. I try my hardest to answer every direct message, and every comment. Because I know without the support of my supporters I'm nothing. What is an artist if you don't buy their music? What is an artist if you don't believe in them? For them to believe in me and take their time out to cast that vote or buy my songs on iTunes it means the world to me. And I don't take it lightly or for granted,” said Keisha Renee.

To see Keisha Renee’s performance tune in to NBC for The Voice at 8pm EST.

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