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Mary Sarah Is Excited To Be A Part of The Voice Neon Dreams Tour

Since being an artist on The Voice Mary Sarah’s career in country music has really taken off. The talented artist is currently working on releasing new music and is set to take part of the first Voice Vegas show called The Voice Neon Dreams Tour.

Mary Sarah made it to the Semi-Finals during season 10 of The Voice. While her time on the show ended, her involvement with the singing competition did not. The talented artist was a part of season 11’s Kohl’s Greenroom during the live rounds and now finds herself going to Vegas.

“….I guess they like me enough to keep me around. Right after my season I did season 11’s lives with the Kohl’s greenroom and that came out of no where too. I did not expect that at all and you know they just reached out via email and yeah I ended up doing that. It’s kind of amazing,” said Mary Sarah.

“When I chose to go on The Voice I didn't expect to be a part of the voice for so long. You just don't know what to expect doing a show like this and I am so thankful for it. I mean it’s opened so many doors for me. It’s crazy to think that we get to do this Vegas show because you know a lot of people look at vegas and they think oh legends play there and have residencies. So I feel like life is flipped backwards now, I'm already doing a residency and I’m 22 years old. It’s crazy,” continued Mary Sarah.

Recently NBC’s The Voice announced a new residency in Los Vegas that would include artists from seasons past. Mary Sarah was one of the artists chosen to be a part of The Voice Neon Dreams Tour. The opportunity to be a part of this tour came out of the blue for Mary Sarah.

“So that came about randomly. So I've lived here in Nashville for I think six years and 20 minutes outside of downtown. I decided to move into downtown… The first day I started moving furniture in I get a call from Michelle McNulty which is The Voice casting and what’s funny is I answer the phone and I didn't have her number saved in my phone, I was like who is this and she's like it’s Michelle. I know when she calls there’s got to me something with it. You know something she wants to tell you or an opportunity something like that… She was like so I have this opportunity. She told me about the Vegas show that they are gong to start and that they were looking at me as a possibility,” said Mary Sarah.

“I ended up flying out to NY not too long after that I auditioned and sang a couple of songs and got to know some of the casting directors. I ended up landing it. It came out of no where I did not expect it. It was a random call that I got and yeah now it’s a full on production. It kind of amazing you know when she first called she only had small bits of information about it and now its kind of exploded into this huge thing. I cant believe I get to be a part of this. I'm one of seven people on the show in Vegas and it’s insane. So it’s super exciting.” continued Mary Sarah.

Mary Sarah will be joined on stage by Mathew Schuler, Matt McAndrew, Allison Porter, Chis Mann and Chloe Kohanski. Mary Sarah is extremely excited about all aspects of the Vegas show especially being able to be on that stage entertaining people from all over the world.

“You know honestly the fact that I get to perform so much. I love all aspects of being an artist. Whether it’s writing, singing, or entertaining, even acting. Things like that, but I think my favorite is to entertain and perform. We’re doing eight shows a week and I'm super pumped about it. You know some artists would be like oh that’s so many shows but I really love to perform and to meet people from all over the world that come visit and see the show/. And the cast that we have is incredible too. I mean Matthew Schuler, Matt McAndrew, Allison Porter, Chris Mann, and then we just added Chloe [Kohanski]. I mean it’s going to be incredible. The talent on this show everyone should see because it’s just amazing how they've brought us all together to do this,” said Mary Sarah.

In addition to the new Vegas show Mary Sarah will be releasing a new single next month. The song called “Just Go With It” is a song about love and just going with it. The song is change from Mary Sarah’s current single “Without You”.

“Yeah I'm so excited. I decided I have this song that i absolutely love, I wrote it with Jimmy Robbins and Jon Nite here in Nashville and it’s called ‘Just Go With It’. I did do a Facebook video, I posted it on Facebook New Years Eve and posted an acoustic version of it. I am going to be releasing that in February probably closer to the week of Valentines day. It’s a song about love and kind of going with it. You know rolling with the punches and seeing where life takes you,” said Mary Sarah.

Mary Sarah’s current single “Without You” has been doing extremely well for the talented artist. Mary Sarah wrote this song after going through a breakup. According to Mary Sarah the song is about rediscovering who you are.

“My favorite, well it’s not like the best story behind it because it was a breakup that I went through in a pretty crucial time in my life. A lot of things were happening in my career and i it was heartbreaking in the moment. It was a long distance relationship and the thing about it was you know when you're in a long distance relationship if one person is giving more than the other the person that is like giving more is draining themselves. That’s kind of the way it started to be in my relationship. He was really just focused on himself and we were in different places. That’s where I kind of brought it down to. We’re just in different places in our lives, but it was draining me and taking time out of what I really should have been focusing on more career stuff. It was definitely difficult,” said Mary Sarah.

“It was almost like a love hate experience because I grew so much out of that. You know getting to find myself again. You know ‘well baby I'm all good without you’ was me kind of realizing that I am an independent woman. I am fine, I can do this, I can move on, I am strong, and it takes really just focusing on yourself and not thinking about that stuff. But thinking of the future and what you can put your time into. Like going to the movies by yourself, or what I do is go paint ceramic things all the time by myself. I'm sure the ladies at the ceramic shop are like who is this girl that come like every Friday nigh.t So yeah the song is all about just finding who you are again. Reading that you don't need a person to complete you. You can be strong with who you are,“ continued Mary Sarah.

At 22 years old Mary Sarah has accomplished more her career then some people twice her age. With the new Vegas show and new music Mary Sarah is sure to find herself on top of the country music world in the near future. To see Mary Sarah live in Vegas you purchase tickets here

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