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Blue Honey Are Well On The Their Way to becoming a Household Name

Husband and wife Kassie and Troy Brooks are making a household name for themselves as part of the duo, Blue Honey. The talented artists who are currently working on new music are ready to show everyone that they deserve to be at the top of country music.

Recently Blue Honey their music video for their song “Angels Come Home” premiered on The dup had been sitting on the video for a while after holding a release party a few months back. According to Kassie the timing was not right, so they held on to the video until more promotion could be put behind it. With the help of Marbaloo everything fell into place and the release of the video was a success.

“We’ve been working with a company called Marbaloo, they've really been helping us connect the dots with stuff and getting us in touch with a lot of outlets to try and promote all of our stuff and have more people hear us,” said Kassie.

“So we kind of gave them the exclusive premiere of the video before we made it available on any of our sites so our fans would go to their page and then hopefully we would gain fans from their page kind of like a cross promotion type of thing,” continued Kassie.

In addition to the Music Video release Blue Honey has been hard at work at creating new music. The talented duo have been busy recording at their home studio. Next month Blue Honey will be releasing their Newest single “August Without Us”. The song which Kassie and Troy wrote with Matt Willis is song that according to Troy most can relate to.

“The story behind ‘August Without Us’ it’s one of those love stories that I think a lot of people can relate to,” said Troy.

“You're on vacation for so long at the beach and you kind of fall for somebody. At the end of the vacation you realize it’s probably never going to see them again. Nowadays it’s easier with social media but still a long distance relationship kind of thing,” continued Troy.

The talented duo have been getting great press lately, from BuzzFeed to Vents Magazine, people around the country have been starting to notice Blue Honey. For Kassie and Troy it has been awesome to have all of these different outlets say such great things about them.

“It’s been great because there’s been a lot of positive feedback so that’s always good. Well even the negative feedback is good I guess right? Yeah, it’s been really nice to have that, to have it on Buzzfeed and on the other outlets,” said Troy

“That was pretty cool [to be mentioned by Vents Magazine]. Some of the other people that were on there with us it was pretty cool to see because some people we look up to. So definitely in good company there,” continued Kassie.

From new music to going on tour, Blue Honey is set to be extremely busy over the next few month. To see where they will play next visit their website at

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