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Ashla Taylor to Star as Shania Twain in The Price of Fame

Ashla Taylor is bursting on to the country music scene. The talented entertainer is set to star as Shania Twain in the Reelz’s Docudrama The Price of Fame and has a new single coming out called “Nothing About Love”

Ever since Taylor was eight years old she knew what she wanted to be when she grew up and that was Shania Twain. When she was eight Taylor’s grandmother took her to Twain’s concert and from that moment on Taylor knew singing and entertaining would be her life.

“Well first of all when I was eight years old my grandmother who’s been my biggest inspiration and support as a singer/songwriter took me to see Shania for the first time in concert. I think it was a pivotal time in my life. The switch just turned on and I remember thinking I want to be like her. So my whole life I grew up emulating Shania, obsessing over her music, her voice her moves, everything about her. And then learning about her personal life and there were some parallels about what she had went through… that I can relate to. So I was really connected with her not just musically, but also personally…” said Taylor.

Today Taylor finds herself staring as Twain in The Price of Fame. The Price of Fame debuts on Reelz this coming Sunday. While working on her EP in Nashville Taylor got a call from her talent agent about the casting call for The Price of Fame. Taylor decided to send in an audition tape not thinking she would get the role. Taylor was shocked to learn she was casted to play her idol on Television. According to Taylor they could not have chosen someone that is more grateful than her.

“I was just completely and utterly shocked I don’t think there’s been anything in my life that’s actually stunned me more than that. So that was a really weird moment, it was a really cool moment and I went right into production like a couple days later. They flew me to Dallas and it was perfect because I didn’t have to do any preparation for the role. I just fell right into the footsteps and it was really natural for me. The hardest thing was the emotional scenes because the docudrama Price of Fame, this episode air Feb 18. It shows the dark side, that’s why it’s the price of fame. All the struggles she had to go through and the things that she faced in her personal life that she had to overcome to get to where she’s at today,” said Taylor.

“Those scenes were a lot more difficult because I can relate to them personally. So it was really weird to portray Shania you know who has always inspired me and is like my hero, but then pulling from my personal experiences and being able to act by using those personal experiences and those personal emotions. It was like therapy for me. It was a really great experience and I'm really honored that they chose me to play the role. I know it’s weird to say but they couldn’t have picked someone who would have been more grateful for the role honestly,” continued Taylor.

The day after The Price of Fame airs on Reelz, Taylor’s single “Nothing About Love” will be released. According to Taylor “Nothing About Love” is song written about a personal experience she had with a guy who was all about romance and knew nothing about love. According to Taylor the Docudrama will help not only help push the new single but show the industry that she is a versatile entertainer.

“Absolutely, I mean I think what I really want people in this industry to know about me as an artist that I’m not just a singer/songwriter. I'm also an actress. I want people to know that it’s a multi faceted entertainment experience here. So I love all parts of the entertainment business and I feel confident that I can achieve them all….” Said Taylor.

To keep tabs on Taylor visit her website, like her on Facebook (@ashlataylor), follow her on Twitter (@ashlataylor) and instagram (@ashlataylor).

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