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Smithfield Has A Hit With Their Song 'Hey Whiskey'

Country music duo Smithfield is taking country music by storm. Their song “Hey Whiskey” continues to rise to the top with success on programs like Sirius XM The Highway.

Jennifer Fiedler and Trey Smith founded Smithfield in 2011. Since then the talented duo has been able to play all over the country. Recently the dup got to play at the Opry City Stage in Times Square. Fiedler and Smith had the opportunity to play songs including their smash hit “Hey Whiskey” in a venue that made them feel like they were back home at the Grand Ole Opry.

“It was awesome. It was kind of funny, we felt like we were back home. It was a little piece of home there in New York for us… That’s the thing I got up on stage looked up and saw the stained glass windows and was like oh I feel like I'm back home,” said Smith.

“They did a great job imitating the Opry. I felt like I was at the Opry in Nashville..that was really cool,” continued Fiedler.

Smithfield’s hit song “Hey Whiskey” has has a long shelf life. Just as the Duo thinks the song has run its course, “Hey Whiskey” gets new life. The idea for the song was first thought of by Fielder with Smith coming up with the Melody. Fielder and Smith were so excited about the song they immediately took it to their label at the time and it was shot down. Smithfield has proved that label wrong, and both Fielder and Smith feel fulfilled that the song has connected with so many people.

“That song’s had a long life to it. We always say every single time it seems like it’s winding down it gets new life somewhere. It’s just very fulfilling and gratifying to now that it just keeps going and it’s because people are connecting with it. Fans, whoever it is, radio, I mean they feel it when we sing… It’s a good feeling,” said Smith

“So we use to be on a record label a few years ago and when we wrote ‘Hey Whiskey’ we brought it in to the label and we were so certain it was a smash. We were told that nobody would ever get this song, nobody would want to turn on their radio dial to it, and it was too dark, and too depressing. So when you ask me how I feel now to know that has been our biggest success to date and how much it connects with people. I cant even tell you, male and female who come up to us and tell us that’s their personal story, and how much it touches them. We’ve had people cry over it. I mean that’s why to me fulfilled is the best word. Knowing where it came from, how its was shot down, and how it continues to build and build and build and connect it’s just the best feeling in the world,” continued Fielder.

Recently Smithfield has been touring with country artist Granger Smith. According to the duo Granger has been an awesome tour mate. According to Fielder Granger is amazing to every single person involved in the tour. For the duo one of their favorite stops on the tour has been New York City.

“Well not to be bias but I got to say Irving plaza in New York was my favorite. The Highway is so big in New York…if you’re a country fan you listen to that or the Nash FM. So that show people were singing along to 'Hey Whiskey’ so loud at the end I didn’t really need to sing it. For me that’s every artists’ or songwriters’ dream. To have people sing your song back to you. That’s why I love New York so much. so that’s my favorite stop…” said Fielder.

“New York was great, an honorable mention for me would be Philadelphia. It was pretty good…” added Smith.

For Smithfield the success of “Hey Whiskey” proves that independent artists can be successful even without the backing of a major label.

“… I got to say this, being independent artists knowing we’ve been able to achieve these things on our own I just hope it speaks to other independent artists out there trying. Look at us, look at our story, like you can do this too. I never thought in a million years that we would be on CMT without a major label. So it speaks volumes to the song. And then the connection people have with the song because it’s not being thrown in peoples faces. It legitimately organically grown and I think that’s why its taken so long to get to get to this point. When we think it’s dead another platform picks it up and it gets a new life so that’s really cool for me,” Said Fielder.

Smithfield is currently working on a new project that they hope to release this fall. To find our when Smithfield will be releasing new music or where they ill play next visit their website, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Instagram (smithfieldmusic) and Twitter (@SmithfieldMusic).

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