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Music Has Always Been A Part of James Robert Webb's Life

Country artist James Robert Webb and his song “American Beauty” are getting approval from country music fans and radio station all over the country.

According to Webb music has always been a part of his life. From listening to his parents’ stereo council to joining a band in high school, music has surrounded the talented artist. While music has always been a part of Webb’s life it wasn't until five years ago when he started songwriting the he began to sing. Today Webb has become a successful singer/songwriter with songs like “American Beauty” charting and by day he is a successful physician. Webb enjoys being able to help people medically and through music.

“… I think I'm lucky because a lot of people they’re just aren’t excited about their jobs. You know what I mean? They’re like oh I hate my job, I cant wait to retire. I think I'm lucky to find something I love to do. As a physician doing something I can specifically help people with and enjoy that, and being able to write songs that connect with people through music is a double whammy for me,” said Webb.

“American Beauty” currently sits at number 43 on the Music Row Country Breakout Chart. Webb’s first top 40 hit as songwriter was for his song “How That Feels”. For being new to songwriting Webb has been extremely successful so far in his career, something he couldn’t see happening just six years ago.

“Are you kidding me, that’s crazy. You know I never sang a lick really until I started writing. So I think if you told me in 6 years I’d have a song on the radio much less in the top 40 I’d think you were crazy. But it’s amazing, I mean to think enough people are listening to it and the programmers and people are playing it, spinning it, believing in it and the fans. At some point you’re like well this is really happening,” said Webb.

Webb grew up in a military family. When he born his father was overseas in Germany serving in the army. Webb wrote “American Beauty” as a tribute to all the men and women serving in the military and their families.

“…We have all these songs about American soldiers, but for me when I was born my dad was overseas in Germany actually in the army and my mom was back home with her folks and so that's part of what I’ve always kind of thought about. That you know when we think about soldiers making that ultimate sacrifice, but just being away and being in harms way is a sacrifice on it’s own. Not being there, like my dad missed my birth and things like that. So you don’t ever think about those little things that the soldiers or even EMTs out in the line of duty kind of miss out on because duty calls. ‘American Beauty’ is kind of about those sweethearts that you leave behind,” said Webb.

In addition to the success with songwriting, Webb has had great start to his career on stage. The talented artist has had the opportunity to open for The Charlie Daniels Band, The Marshall Tucker Band, Kellie Picker, Darryl Worley and more. Webb has taken the opportunity to open for these amazing artists and turned it into a learning experience.

“Oh my gosh are you kidding me I mean like I'm the luckiest dude in the world. I mean opening for Charlie Daniels was really awesome, he’s a legend. Anytime someone says they don’t like country rap I'm like what about ‘Devil Went Down to Georgia’. I mean come on that’s like the original country rap. I think it’s really cool I try to learn something from everybody. And then just to see people that you’re amazed that they’re still around and still have it like Ray Stevens. Ray Steven kills it. I just love watching, I love getting lost and being entertained by them, but then something will snap and I'm like ok wait what he said there was really cool. I got to try rip that off for my next show,” Said Webb.

Webb is getting ready to head back into the studio so he can release new music for his fans. To stay up to date on when new music will be coming out visit his website at Like him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter (@JamesRobertWebb) and Instagram (jamesrobertwebb).

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