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Julia Capogrossi Did The Right Thing Releasing 'Morgan' As A Single

Country music artist Julia Capogrossi is in the midst of a successful radio tour. The talented artist is currently pushing her single, “Morgan” and getting great feedback from fans and Country Radio.

Capogrossi grew up just outside of New York listening to country music and classic rock and at the age of four she decided she wanted to sing.Throughout her schooling Capogrossi was involved in musical and when she got to college she decided to put singing on hold. That plan did not last very long and within a couple of moth Capogrossi was reaching out to producers in Nashville.

“I did musical theater my whole life. I always wanted to be on stage from the time I was four years old. I grew up outside of New York City so I did a lot of musical theater growing up. When I turned 17 or 18 when I was going to college I kind of said I want to put singing aside. I just want to do the sorority thing and the college thing and have fun,” said Capogrossi.

“With in two months at Indiana U I was emailing producers in Nashville like please Let me sing your songs, please have me in your studio. Someone answered, Denny Martin who actually cowrote ‘Morgan’ and he said bring your parents down just to be safe and come down and meet me. I’ll give you a few songs and you can sing in the studio. At that point it was game over. I was like I need to move to Nashville because what I didn’t mention was I grew up with country music and classic rock music my whole life. My mom is from Arkansas so that’s what I grew up on and that’s always what I wanted to sing…” continued Capogrossi.

Capogrossi is currently pushing her single “Morgan” on Country Radio. According to Capogrossi the song came from a personal experience she had in a relationship. While the song was not hard to write it was hard to perform for the singer/songwriter, but at the instance of those closest to her she decided to release the song as a single.

“Ok so my new single is called ‘Morgan’ it’s out on radio now. It’s basically just a song that I wrote about being in a relationship with someone. My heart was in it and he treated it like a game which isn’t fun. I started writing it by myself just totally for therapeutic reasons, but people just started liking it. I didn’t really want to sing it out at first because I didn’t want people to think I was calling anyone out even though that’s not necessarily the person’s name. I just didn’t want people to think I was being petty or anything. But my team and all my close friends were like it’s our favorite song of yours you need to release it as a single and now I'm doing a radio tour and it’s doing pretty well so far,” said Capogrossi.

“Morgan” has garnered Capogrossi success not only in the States but internationally as well. Capogrossi had the opportunity to play at the San Pedro Country Music Festival which is right outside Buenos Arias, Argentina. The 20,000 in attendance enjoyed hearing “Morgan” so much they had Capogrossi do an encore performance the next day.

“Ok so that was crazy it was my first time out of the country, well actually I went to Jamaica one time when I was seven, but it was my first time I had a passport. And so I was asked to headline San Pedro Country Music Festival outside of Buenos Arias in Argentina. It was incredible, it was my biggest crowd yet. There was over 20 thousand people which was crazy and the people down there were so so sweet. One of the reasons why I knew ‘Morgan’ was going to be my next single was they loved it, they were like sing it again sing it again. They actually had me come back the next day to sing it again so it was culturally so different but at the same time the most amazing experience of my life so far,” said Capogrossi.

Capogrossi is continuing to travel the country on her radio tour. To find out where the talented artist will be next visit her website at Like her on Facebook (@juliacapogrossimusic) and follow her on Instagram (@juliacapogrossi) and Twitter (@juliacapogrossi).

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