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New Music Coming Soon From Red Marlow

Red Marlow is taking advantage of his second chance at a music career. Since coming in fourth on The Voice the country music artist has been busy working on building a team around him so he can release new music and go out on tour.

Each week on The Voice Marlow impressed the coaches and fans with each performance and with each performance Marlow’s fanbase grew. It is because of his fanbase that Marlow felt he could have come in higher than fourth place on the show.

“You know, no I thought I’d do a little better but you know fourth was totally fine. And you know everybody over me was well deserved. They were all great. It was like hanging out with my little sisters the whole time for me. It wasn’t anything personal I thought we might have had a little bigger fanbase than, three, second something like that. But at the end of the day man I was so happy to be in fourth and you know just to be there with all those guys. So it was great for me,” said Marlow.

Marlow is currently building a team around him that will allow him to not only release new music, but allow the talented artist to go out on tour. On March 31st Marlow will be holding a homecoming and CD release show at the Florence Coliseum in Florence, Alabama. With Marlow looking to officially release the album on April 6th.

“Like I said we’re just working hard every day trying to get more and more stuff going on and hopefully get out there to the people. I got some hometown stuff going on. I got a new record coming out. So we’re looking April the 6th is going to be our drop date on the the record .So you know just trying to get all our ducks in a row and get ready to get out there and hopefully get some new music out to everybody,” said Marlow.

One of the new songs that Marlow is most excited about is his song “My House In Heaven”. According to Marlow “My House In Heaven” is an uplifting song that is tongue in cheek.

“Yeah there’s another song that I’m really excited about its called ‘My House In Heaven’. So you know it’s another one of those uplifting [songs] but it’s kind of a little different. It’s kind of tongue in cheek. The whole idea behind the song is my idea of Heaven is different then your idea of heaven. You know in my heaven we;’re going to have catfish pounds, and duck blinds and shotguns, and all the stuff that I love. You know that’s kind of what this song was written around. I'm really looking forward to getting that one out there.”

Marlow hopes his new music is as well received on the Charts as the songs he did on The Voice. While on The Voice Marlow had success on the iTunes Charts with quite a few of his songs. One of his songs that went number one was his original song “I Pray”. To see a song like “I Pray” that came from such a personal experience go number one meant the world to Marlow.

“…My original song was number one on the overall chart, and number one billboard charting song so anytime you get to do something like that you know its over the top to get to do that,” said Marlow

“‘I Pray’ is a very meaningful song to me. I wrote that song, one of my very best friends father had passed away the night before and we went in to write and actually wrote that song the next morning and performed it at his funeral the next day. So it was sad really really sad, but it was also uplifting to get to do that song for them and the family you know. It meant the world to me and I know it made a whole lot to them as well,” continued Marlow.

Marlow chose to sing “I Pray” because of the meaning behind the song. Marlow is the type of artist that enjoys singing songs that have some sort of meaning behind them.

“You know you’ve heard me say it before. I mean I know you’ve interviewed me before but, I like to do stuff that means something. If I can sing something that’s uplifting and positive versus a beer drinking bar song I'm always going to pick the uplifting song. It’s just who I am so you know I thought ‘I Pray’ was me in a nut shell. I thought it summed me up really well and also I wrote it with a good friend Larry McCoy. So when they asked me about doing an original song it was just the first one out there in line for me,” said Marlow.

Marlow is not waisting his second chance at successful music career. To keep up with Marlow visit his website at Like Marlow on Facebook (@RedMarlowMusic) and follow him on Twitter (@redmarlow) and Instagram (redmarlow).

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