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Terry McBride's 'Boots Off' is a Hit

Terry McBride has worn many hats in the music industry. From musician, to songwriter to artist, Mcbride has been successful. Currently McBride has a single out on country radio called “Boots Off”.

McBride has had a prolific career s a songwriter. Some of the artists who have cut his songs include; George Straight, Garth Brooks, Reba McEntire, Brooks and Dunn, Lucas Hoge, and so many more. McBride’s first major cut was John Anderson.

“…It was mind blowing, it truly was. The first artist that cut one of my songs was John Anderson and I love John Anderson… My second cut was George Strait. Of course I love George Strait so it was mind blowing, just the thought of George learning one of my songs and recording my song I could hardly comprehend it at first. It was bigger than anything I had ever dreamed of,” said McBride.

“Then once that happened I was very fortunate to have it continue to happen. Other artists recorded my songs, Brooks and Dunn, Reba and Garth. I recently had a song recorded by Hank Jr. that was neat. I wrote it with Chris Janson. That was a thrill, I grew up with Hank Jr. now he’s singing my song and it came out on vinyl which is really cool…” continued McBride

McBride’s current single “Boot Off” has done extremely well. The song has charted on The Billboard Indicator charts. McBride is currently touring to promote the single. “Boots Off” comes off his new EP called Hotels and Highways. McBride has enjoyed touring the country and making new fans.

“I’m out here working this new single ‘Boots Off’. We’re a little indie label. We were able to chart on Billboard Indicator… and we’re moving up. We got a lot of stations playing it and a lot of fans and people reacting to it. So with that I’ve been out touring and supporting this new record in the areas that are playing it. Just a songwriters series in general, just whoever is interested and so far it’s been really successful,” said McBride.

“I didn’t know what to expect. I even played a hole in the wall and thought this is never going to work for me at all. And I’ll be darned if it wasn’t one of the best shows I’ve ever had. Yeah don’t judge a honkey tonk by its cover, I mean really. Even though when I got there there was a band playing ‘The Devil Went Down To Georgia’ and of course I'm just going to play by myself. I was like they’re going to hate me. I'm going to be a buzz kill for these people and I’ll be darned they listened to every word. They were fantastic and I met so many people and I instantly made fans, in Nebraska of all places. It was fantastic I’ll take them wherever they are. So that’s new for me this year. A lot of touring and a lot traveling, a lot of performing. The EP is called Hotels and Highways and the new single is ‘Boots Off’”, continued McBride.

McBride has a lyric video out for “Boots Off” The video features 15 pairs of McBride’s boots. According to McBride fans have enjoyed the personal touch in the video.

“….So Boots are iconic, leading back to your question and that’s kind of how the song started. I love boots. Then we got to thinking what if you meet somebody so cool that that person makes you want to take your boots off and stay a while. That’s what the whole song is about…. I recently did a lyric video which of course You need a lyric video. Usually it’s B-role, nothing and then the lyric, but I was able to use my boots in the b-role. So I took 15 pairs including a cool pair of my dad’s, this baby blue pair from the 60s I have those in there too. Then my boots have T-Mc on the top of them my initials which is not Tim McGraw. I didn’t steal them from Tim…People like that. It’s like a personal touch I can tell people like that sort of thing,”said McBride.

To see if McBride will be coming to a town near you visit his website at Like him on Facebook (@TerryMcBrideMusic) and follow him on Instagram (terrymcbridemusic) and Twitter (@theteryymcbride).

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