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Justin Busch Wants You To Feel When You Hear the Songs He Writes

Justin Busch wears many hats when it comes to the music industry. From playing the guitar, to producing, to songwriting, you name it Busch has done it when it comes to music.

Busch who grew up listening to rock and roll because of his father’s influence, first started playing guitar at the end of elementary school. From there Busch joined a classical guitar group and it was in high school that Busch began spending time in studios and getting serious about songwriting. According Busch he has always been writing songs.

“So my songwriting thing I always tell people that I knew when I was first learning guitar I was wired differently. Everyone when you learn instruments especially guitars you want to learn your favorite songs and your little rifts from whoever you’re listening to and I did that, I played a million hours a week. But I was immediately right off the bat writing my own stuff and even before I picked up an instrument or even got to play one like as a kid I would write songs,” said Busch.

“Literally in kindergarten I’m writing songs and coming up with melodies and they would stick in my head for years sometimes. Once I could express it a little better with a musical instrument I was writing and started off like we all do writing a ton of truly awful songs, but learning and maturing. In college I started sending some demos I made off to Nashville and a couple things stuck. I got brought in to the first publishing company I worked with and not a whole lot happened with them, but they taught me a lot about the craft…” continued Busch.

Busch’s songs can be heard all over the country. Two of the artists Busch works with are Ry Bradley and Jeff Dane. Both artists are up and coming in the country music industry. Busch first met Bradley through Bradley’s ex manger, and Dane he met through his connections with The Lost Trailers and his good friend and fellow producer Dave Tough. Each artist has released songs that have done extremely well that Busch has a hand in writing. Some of those songs include “California Ain’t That Far” (Dane), “The Underdog” (Dane),and “Leave You With A Song” (both Dane and Bradley have recorded this song). Each of the songs mentioned can tug at the emotions of those who listen, which is something Busch strives to with his songwriting.

“I consider myself a songwriter first. One thing when it comes to country music I believe in pushing envelopes, production wise and in songwriting ideas, and trying new things. All the greats from Elvis to Johnny Cash, to Ray Charles, a lot of the outlaw country guys like Willie Nelson, these guys were not really copy cats. These guys were trying new things…” said Busch.

"So I try to to do that. To me what’s at the root of country music is real life stories, true life stories. So that’s something I never want to get rid of. I want to tell honest stories. I want to tell stories that I’ve lived, stories about people around me, stories that inspire and move people. I mean music should make you dance for sure, that’s the big thing everyone’s got to dance today… But music should also make you laugh and cry, hurt and heal, and all these different emotions. I always try to pull some of that in every song that I write,” continued Busch.

Just like his songwriting Busch aims to be unique when he is producing a song or album. In the studio Busch aims to keep the song at the forefront while he produces a product that is unlike anything heard before.

“…My style of production is to be hot, modern, and innovative. Try things that people are scared to try, but while at the same time always asking myself am I helping the song? Am I putting the song first? Will people hear the song over everything? So that’s my favorite part about production, is doing something unique and creative and innovative. Trying things that are new, but at the same time what I think makes me different then other producers is I’m never trying to make the flash the bulk of what I am trying to do. I'm trying to make the songs shine, trying to put the song first,” said Busch.

No matter which hat Busch is wearing he is at the top of his game. The talented songwriter/producer/guitar player is leaving his stamp on the music industry.

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