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Kaleb Lee is Ready To Work On New Music

From the office to the Top Eight on NBC The Voice. Kaleb Lee has proven to country music fans and himself the he belongs on stage.

With his unique country sound Lee was able to endear himself to fans of The Voice and Country Music. Lee beat the odds and advanced all the way to the semi-finals on this past season of The Voice. While Lee believed he was capable of reaching the Semi-Finals, he didn't believe he would advance that far.

“You know did I believe that I could do it? yes. Did I believe that I would do it? no. Just the skepticism, but also the lack of confidence I had not in myself in general but just in my chops being up to par. Being out of music for so long things get rusty. Music is something you always have, but the more you do it, the more you’re out there playing every night on the road all the time, the better you can hone your craft. I knew so many people coming into the competition were doing just that. So I came in knowing I had to work a little bit harder and so it was really rewarding to be in the Top 8,” said Lee.

Lee is ready to take his experiences from The Voice and turn it into a career in Country Music. Lee is currently working on getting songs from writers and writing songs himself so he can release new music to his fans. Lee is also ready to travel the country performing and meeting his fans and making new fans along the way.

“[I’m] working on songs right now. And getting some other writers out there to try to find the best songs I can, and writing myself as well… Hopefully this summer we’ll be releasing new songs. If the Universal contract works out great, if not I'm going to be shopping and hopefully land a deal soon. I would love to be on the road as soon as I can. The biggest thing for me is just getting back out there performing and playing. I enjoy that, I enjoy being on the road and meeting people and performing and singing. Obviously the prerequisite for that is having songs. So that’s what I'm working on now for the end result of just getting back out there,” said Lee.

According to Lee one of the biggest reason he was able to advance each week was because of coach Kelly Clarkson. Lee who started off on Blake Shelton’s team was stolen by Clarkson after the talented artist lost in the Battle Rounds to fellow Semi-Finalist Pryor Baird. For Lee Clarkson was able to instill a confidence in him that he will forever be grateful for.

“I cant say enough good things about Kelly. She’s an incredible person, a huge motivator, she has awesome energy when she walks in a room, and she’s been my biggest supporter. She was the first one turn her chair during my Blind Audition and so she’s been my support this whole entire season, from the beginning, all the way till now, and even after. I mean the promise she made of just helping me after the show was great to hear, I she said it once on stage and she’s said it 20 times off stage. I know she’s really excited about whats to come as well as I am,” said Lee.

“The biggest thing Kelly helped me with is the additional confidence because I wasn’t doing music and because I didn’t feel like my craft was and still is homed as much as I want it to be. She gave me the confidence in the moments I needed it to keep advancing. I would attribute a lot of being in the top eight to her just encouraging me, pushing me, and challenging me on certain keys or the songs that I sang or certain notes I didn’t think I could hit really well or whatever. She just kept pushing and pushing me every… she’s been honestly invaluable in that process,” continued Lee.

In shows like The Voice the fans play an important role and that is not lost on Lee. According to Lee the fans played an important role in building his confidence.

“The fan support has been obviously what got me to the Top Eight or technically the Top 6. People have come from all over and have been supportive. They’ve been fans of me and my music. That’s been a confidence builder as well. You know just getting back. Into it people really enjoying and love listening to what I'm doing. So it’s really meant the world. I'm really excited honestly to after the show give them some more music that they love,” said Lee.

In the next few months fans of Lee can expect new music and performances from the talented artist. To keep up with Lee visit his website at, like him on Facebook, and follow Lee on Instagram and Twitter.

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