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Nathan Osmond Wants All of His Fans to Feel Welcomed To The Party

Country artist Nathan Osmond has new music to share with his fans all over the word. The new song called “Welcome To The Party” has been called by some the song of the Summer.

Osmond was destined to be an entertainer. Osmond’s father Alan Osmond was part of the group The Osmonds and growing up Nathan and his brother formed a group called The Osmond Boys. Today Nathan is the star of his own show. Each time he goes on stage he brings a smile to the faces in the crowd with his energetic set. Seeing the fans enjoying what he does on stage is the highlight of his performance for the talented artist.

“Just seeing everybody’s faces see them getting excited and jumping around forgetting their worries you know and thats what I want to do because the world just seems like a crazy place right now and so I think its the perfect time to help people escape everyday life….this is my weekend song…” said Osmond.

Osmond has been holding on to “Welcome To The Part” for a few years now waiting for the perfect time to release the song. According to Osmond the perfect time is now with summer here. The fun energetic song will get everyone on their feet and ready to have a good time.

“Why now? because it’s the perfect time. It’s summer time and the time fits perfectly with the lyrics of the song. So I though I I got this song, some people know it we’ve tested it out on crowds. It’s my opener song, but nobody has access to it. So I said lets get it out there. We also released the ringtone and now all this fans are downloading it. Anytime their phone rings they hear Nathan Osmond. It’s a fun party song,” said Osmond.

“I come from an entertainment family you know my father and uncles made up the Osmonds. They had a song back in the day called ‘We’re Having A Party’. My brothers and I we had a boy band. We used to sing that song and it was a fun opener and I said you know what I’d like to do a continuation of that song on my own. And that was we’re having a party but now we’re at the party. It’s like when you’re at that door and hear welcome to the party. That’s a great title for a song and a great opening for our show because thats what it is when you come to the concert. I always want to make it feel like its a party. I always come out there with full energy…“ continued Osmond.

Another song that Osmond has been testing out at concerts is a song called “So Hot, So Cold”. Osmond believes “So Hot, So Cold” will be his next single. The song is a change from Osmond's usual up beat songs, but a song his fans will still love.

““…I actually have a song with Michael Curtis you might have heard us testing it out in concerts and it’s called ‘So Hoot So Cold’. It’s a rockin’ song. I'm excited about that one, the fans are kind of hearing it for the first time at our shows. So I'm excited to make that the next one available. We’re putting some rocking stuff out there. It’s not your average Nathan Osmond ‘Sweet’ song which I love that song or ‘The Tailgate Song’. This song is about a heartbreak. I mean I'm talking about a devil woman who breaks a guys heart how could a woman so hot be so cold….” said Osmond.

Osmond is ready to party with is fans. To find out where he will be next visit his website (, like him on Facebook (@NathanOsmondMusic), and follow him on Instagram (nathanosmond) and Twitter (@NathanOsmond).

To hear the full interview with Nathan Osmond press play below...

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