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Mark Addison Chandler Releases New Music

Nashville is bursting at the seams with talented singer/songwriters who ensure Nashville’s reputation as the songwriting capital of the world holds true. Mark Addison Chandler is one of those talented artists. Chandler recently released a new singled called “Second Chance

Chandler comes from a long line of talented singers. Chandler’s grandmother was on the radio in the 30s and 40s and his father and uncle were both gospel singers. The love of music rubbed off on Chandler and from the age of four, Chandler began performing. Chandler’s road to a career in country music was not easy, but it has shaped his music in more ways than one.

“…I wanted to come to Nashville right out of High School, but I ended up joining the army instead. I then ended up at West Point and after graduation I returned to the Army as an officer. Life was pretty busy for me, so I set music aside for quite awhile in the army. The last few years before leaving the army, I started writing and picked up music again…” said Chandler.

“I recorded my first record, “Long Ride Home” in 2015 while I was still in and released it right after I got out. That album has 11 songs that I wrote by myself and they are all pretty specifically true to my life. This project that I'm working on now will be very specific to my story as well” continued Chandler.

For the first time in over three years Chandler has new music out for his fans. “Second Chance” is a song that Chandler hopes will connect with all those who listen. Chandler decided to release “Second Chance” as a single because of the way people have been connecting with the song.

“‘Second Chance’ is one of those songs that I feel will relate to many other people that are in my situation. People who have been married before and put their whole heart and soul in their marriage and ended up failing. Sometimes it’s a little bit disheartening when you’re trying to find love again. So I had the idea for getting a second chance at a first dance,” said Chandler.

“I have hundreds of songs that I’ve written and a lot of songs that I love, but this song just resonates so well with so many people I’ve played it for so it just seemed like a logical choice for the first single for this project,” said Chandler.

Not only does Chandler write hits for himself, he collaborates with other talented artists in Nashville including Josh Gallagher. Earlier this year Gallagher released “How Bout You” the song was written by Chandler, Gallagher and Will Duvall. The music video for the song was number one for five weeks on The CMT 12 pack countdown. Hitting number one on the countdown was a surreal moment for Chandler.

“Man it was just awesome. What he did with that song wasn’t really a surprise because I believe in Josh, but [at the same time] it was kinda surprising because you never know what’s going to happen. To see the song go number one on CMT Music’s countdown for five weeks was pretty awesome. It was pretty surreal to know that I had a hand in creating it,” said Chandler.

Whether its writing songs for himself, other artists, or being involved in cowrites, songwriting is extremely important to Chandler. For the talented singer/songwriter there’s nothing like writing a unique song that resonates with people.

There’s nothing better then sitting in a room and writing songs and leaving knowing that you said something unique that’s going to be relatable to other people.

“… I‘ve sung for lots of people and felt the energy in some big crowds but to me that doesn’t compete with getting that great song. Man there’s something really rewarding about writing a song and you know is going to relate to people. There’s no better feeling” said Chandler

To find out when Chandler will be releasing new music and where he will be playing next visit

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