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Blue Honey Releases New Album

Blue Honey starting off 2019 in a big way. The talented artists just released a 13 song album called Sweet Rebellion. Sweet Rebellion is the second release for the talented duo.

Blue Honey is comprised of husband and wife Troy and Kassie Brooks. The pair regularly play around Nashville and can be found in places like The Tin Roof Broadway. When Blue Honey is not performing on stage they can be found in their home studio working on music. The Duo planned to release Sweet Rebellion earlier but they kept writing songs that deserved to be on the Album.

“We wanted to release it earlier but we kept writing songs that we fell in love with, Than we found out we were pregnant and we thought about pushing it back even more…” said Kassie

Sweet Rebellion was released on January 25th. The album which was recorded in Blue Honey’s home studio has 13 songs on it. With those 13 songs both Kassie and Troy are able to showcase the strengths of their voices individually and together. The Album includes songs like; “Can You See,” “Natalie,” Those Are The Days,” and the title track “Sweet Rebellion.” For Blue Honey this Album is a culmination of what they have been trying to accomplish musically.

“This Album is what we’ve always tried to accomplish with our music,” said Troy.

“Kassie can belt things vocally. We kind of looked at our live shows and the cover songs we like to play and put that into [“Sweet Rebellion]. The new stuff is more like our live shows,” continued Troy.

One of the favorite parts of creating this album for both Kassie and Troy, is being able to do everything themselves. From the songwriting to the recording the pair was able to do everything from their home studio.

“We loved doing [the album completely] by ourselves in our home studio”Recording with our band, and doing the demos…” said Troy.

Both Kassie and Troy have their own favorites on the Album. Among their favorites are “Natalie and “Those Are The Days” “Those are The Days” is a song about a girl who is singing about her father who is off at war and the problems at home. “Natalie” is a song that comes from personal experience.

“We have a lot of girlfriends that make questionable decisions with guys [that’s what “Natalie” is about]” said Kassie.

Sweet Rebellion is available on your favorite music download/streaming site. Keep up with Blue Honey find out where they will be playing next visit, follow them on Twitter and Instagram, and like them on Facebook.

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