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Andrew Sevener Has a Bright Future in Country Music

Team Blake’s Andrew Sevener might not have won The Voice on Tuesday night, but the talented artist proved he has a bright future in Country Music.

Sevener found his way. Into The Voice finally via the twitter save. In the Twitter save Sevener faced off against Team Kelly Clarkson’s Rod Stokes and John Legend’s Shawn Sounds. Sevener lead off the Instant save with Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man.” Sevener never dreamed of being in the final four and is extremely thankful he advanced as far as he did.

“It’s crazy. You know I never thought going into it that I would be in the top three so it really didn’t phase me that much, but it was still a little disheartening. I had a chance for the Twitter save. It was a tense situation but I gave it my all. And to hear my name get called its just shocking. But I was excited and I can’t thank America enough…” said Sevener.

Sevener came in fourth on The Voice, but the talented artist arguably had the best night performance wise out of any of the contestants. For his final performances Sevener sang an original song (“Rural Route Raising”), a cover (“Lips of an Angel” by Hinder) and a Duet with Blake Shelton (“All Right Now” by Free). After his performance of “Lips of An Angel” Shelton proclaimed the first night of the Finale Sevener’s night.

“I mean Andrew I don’t know what’s happening right know but this is your night. This is your night, you’re having a breakout night tonight. Congratulations what perfect timing to do that. You’re killing it dude congratulations,” said Shelton.

Getting to work closely with Shelton has been a dream come true for Sevener. Now that Sevener has gotten to Know Shelton the talented artist compared Shelton to an older brother who wants to share his wisdom and knowledge.

“Blake you know he’s like an older brother. He has the wisdom and knowledge he instills in all of us. It’s amazing to work with him and getting to work with with him on a daily basis…” said Sevener.

The fans have played a huge part in Sevener’s journey on The Voice. Sevener is extremely thankful they thought enough of him to keep him around for another week.

“To the fans I can't thank them enough for saving me and wanting to see me just a little while longer in this competition. I'm overjoyed. It makes you feel good that people are liking my kind of music that I’ve been showing and that I play. It just means the world to me. I'm really just overjoyed and so thankful,” said Sevener.

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