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Josh Gallagher is Telling Country Music 'Look At Me Now'

Josh Gallagher is on a a roll. The talented singer songwriter is tearing it up on stage, and in the studio. Since appearing on season 11 of NBC’s The Voice Gallagher has been hard at work touring and releasing new music.

Earlier this month the Country Music Association had arguably it’s biggest weekend of the year. CMA Fest took place on June 5-9. During the five day span Gallagher had seven shows and two signings. The fans showed up in support of Gallagher in both his shows and his signings at FanFair X. At the signings Gallagher met with over 200 fans.

“…CMA Fest once again is officially over. It’s a wrap for this year…I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. To you guys out there that came to the shows, who came to all of the meet and greets. I always love seeing familiar faces and it’s even better when I see new faces. So yeah I just wanted to say thank you guys made this year absolutely awesome and we’ll see you guys here soon.” Gallagher said in a video posted to his Facebook.

Gallagher is not only busy on the stage but he’s been busy in the studio as well. Gallagher recently signed a distribution deal with Hedden On Up Entertainment in association with Average Joe Records. With the deal Gallagher now has help getting his music out to fans everywhere. On May 3rd Gallagher rereleased his self titled EP. The EP included songs “How ‘Bout You” and current single “Look At Me Now”.

“[The distribution deal was something that Keirsten Hedden of Hedden On Up Entertainment helped with]. She has her own business, her own record label with Average Joe. She liked our EP and pitched it to Average Joe and they loved it,” said Gallagher.

“We got screwed when we released the EP back in March with the delay of it going live. A lot of the promo [didn’t have the same impact when it didn’t goes as planed. The deal helps put some air back in the balloon so we can [recover] some of those sales,” continued Gallagher.

“Look at Me Now” is Gallagher’s current single. The song is Gallagher’s tribute to his wife Lindsey. The song which Gallagher wrote with Mark Addison Chandler is a timeline of Gallagher and Lindsey’s relationship.

“‘Look at Me Now’ is a song I wrote with Mark back in November. We were sitting around not really writing. We bullshitted for two hours before we wrote this song. Mark asked me if I had a song for Lindsey on the EP yet and I did not, so we wrote this song. ‘Look at Me Now’ is a song for her and our relationship. Where we started and where we are right now,” said Gallagher.

Gallagher’s new EP is available for download/streaming wherever you like getting your music from. To say updated on where Gallagher will be playing next visit

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