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Todd Tilghman is One Step Away From Being Crowned The Voice

Todd Tilghman has done it. The country artist has advanced to the finale of NBC’s The Voice. Tilghman was voted in by America and Joins fellow Team Blake artist Tonisha Harris, Team Kelly’s Micah Iverson, Team Legend’s Camm Wess and Team Nick’s Thunderstorm Artis.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic The Voice has had to change the way they operate. With stay at home orders across the country artist are now performing from their homes using platforms like Microsoft Teams. Tilghman has not only learnt more about the technical side of things but feels like there is still a strong personal connection.

“You know it’s interesting I’m learning a lot on a practical level as far as equipment and things, but also when you have your coach’s rehearsal and things it actually does seem more personal. Even though you are not there in person you sort of have the effect. It seems like it’s just you and him even though I know there are other people involved. It does seem like it’s just you and your coach talking so it makes it a little more personal to me,” said Tilghman.

During his Top 9 performance the talented artist sang Collin Raye’s song “Love, Me”. Tilghman was surrounded by his children during the performance. What might have been the sweetest moment on The Voice, the camera’s panned onto Tilghman’s little girl who was fast asleep. Tilghman impressed all four of the during that performance. Tilghman was able to connect with song and the audience, which according to Tilghman is key to his success.

“I really do think there’s a lot to it. Of course, there are the obvious things like connecting with your songs and with your audience. But then I think there are the things that are kind of obvious. I try to stay really active on social media. It’s getting a little out of hand as far as it’s hard to keep up, but I do try to like tweets. I want people to know I appreciate them, that I care,” said Tilghman.

“So on the show side of it I really think it’s connecting with those songs and do your very best. The way that I think you connect with the audience is to connect with the song. If you connect with the song with your inner man, then I think it will connect with the audience. On the personal side, I’m a regular guy that’s why I have a private life, but I try to be public with who I am and this journey I’m on with The Voice. I feel like for me it’s been a lot of fun to take this journey with all these people,” continued Tilghman.

Tilghman has been a fan favorite from the start. Tilghman is overwhelmed and thankful for all of the support that has helped carry him to the Finale.

“Oh my I gosh I can’t even describe that. I am overwhelmed by how good everyone has been to me. It’s not that I didn’t expect some spike in like attention because you have a blind audition on The Voice. Now we’ve moved on to the live rounds, but I don’t know if I expected people to turn out like they have. It is so humbling to me. It makes me feel like I wish I could do something more to say thank it has been unbelievable,” said Tilghman.

During the Top 9 show the artists and Coaches got to sing a song with super mentor James Taylor. They sang “Everyday People”. The experience of getting to sing with Taylor during this special collaboration was a special opportunity for Tilghman.

Oh man that was so cool right? When we found out we were going to do that I rushed to my house and told my family you are not going to believe what we are going to get to do. Then you have the recording of James Taylor singing. If you saw on the episode, he was kind of just sitting there singing by the fire. It’s really just super cool that now I have this recording because we had to work off of the recording to sing with him. So it’s just really cool to me that now I have for as long as I want to keep it, I have this recording which will be forever. James Taylor just sitting by the fire just singing shower the people you love with love,” said Tilghman.

While Tilghman admits he would like to win the show, he is just grateful for every experience he has on the show.

“You Know I don’t know… I imagine all of us would want to win the show, but as far as my goals that’s a hard question because now I feel like I’m in this place where I would like to see things happen in a way. But I really can’t complain. You know we made it to the live rounds and that was what we wanted to do in the very beginning, and we did that. And so now I guess I’m just grateful for every step from here on out. But heck you know everybody would want to win,” said Tilghman.

To see if Tilghman will be crowned The Voice tune in to The Voice on Monday and Tuesday

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