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Listen to 'Kinda Carolina' by Mitchell Lee and Say Goodbye to your 2020 Blues

NBC The Voice alum Mitchell Lee is making the most of the Pandemic and has released a new song. The up-beat song is called “Kinda Carolina”

The COVID-19 Pandemic has affected a lot of people and industries and one of the hardest hit has been the music industry. Without shows the talented Artist turned to one of his other talents. Lee feels grateful that he had another skill set to turn to.

“I would say the first half of the Pandemic felt almost like a vacation. But without music I started doing renovation projects on the side. I feel lucky that I had the ability to do that, and had another skill set to do that that I enjoy doing. Because a lot of other musicians I know were just out of work and that was it. So, I kind of got to continue creating just in a different avenue. And that was a switching of gears that allowed me to keep chugging along,” said Lee.

“Kinda Carolina” was released on October 2, 2020. The song is the first of the three that Lee will be releasing in the coming months. The song is an up-tempo song that will put a smile on your face. The talented artist chose to release ‘Kinda Carolina” now to lift peoples' spirits.

“Well, the new song is really fun I wanted to put out an uplifting upbeat song, just because everyone is kind of feeling the weight of 2020. So, it is definitely something that I want to put out there as a reminder of more light hearted times,” said Lee

“So, we are actually going to be releasing songs starting with this one, then we have another one coming out after that, and then we are deciding what the third song is going to be. We got them in the pipelines and we don’t know if we are going to call it an album as we release these songs, but we might package them together later as an album,” continued Lee.

“Kinda Carolina” almost came about by accident. Lee was in a writing session working on a different kind of song with Jerry Jacobs and Haley Mae Campbell. It wasn’t until the three songwriters took a break that “Kinda Carolina was born.

"The song came about in a really cool way. I was in Nashville writing with two of my South Carolina friends. We all moved to Nashville from Charlston and knew each other beforehand in the music circles. So, we get together and write songs every once in a while. My buddy Jerry Jacobs and my other friend Haley Mae Campbell. This particular day we were writing a song for Haley Mae Campbell and Jerry and I were doing our best to write a song for a girl to sing, for Haley Mae Campbell. And it was going ok. It became lunch time we took a break. We walked over to this little café and as we were grabbing something to eat and a coffee. I was talking with Haley Mae Campbell asking her a little more about herself. I didn’t know her that well just from the music circle and the industry. I asked what part of South Carolina did you grow up in and she told me she was originally from somewhere else but she moved down south after when she was young. ...I said well you’re kinda Carolina and Jerry over heard me say that and Jerry said kinda Carolina he said that’s the song we need to be writing,” said Lee.

“So we all got really excited about that so we took that back to our cowrite we scrapped the first song and started writing this one and this one we knocked out pretty fast and it was just a light hearted song called Kind of Carolina we wrote it about how sometimes you just can't put your finger on what makes a girl kind of special like they don’t need to be all dolled up or anything like that they just have a quality about them. We wrote it from a Carolina perspective so more generally it’s about your everyday girl being just everything you need and it's a down home kind of song that just feels good,” continued Lee.

“KInda Carolina” is available on your favorite digital download/streaming site.

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